Archive for August, 2011

Countdown To Face & Body Show

August 27, 2011

I’m here to learn all things SKIN in San Jose at the annual Face & Body Show. Especially looking forward to the Medical Aesthetics Forum and hearing about new peels to add to my repertoire.

Is Tanning An Addiction?

August 24, 2011

Yes, according to the findings recently published in the Journal of Addiction Biology.  People who regularly use tanning beds experience changes in brain activity that mimic patterns of drug addiction.  The study’s author, Dr. Byron Adinoff, a psychiatry professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, explains that several parts of the brain that play a role in addiction were activated when the subjects were exposed to UV rays.

“What this shows is that the brain is in fact responding to UV light and it responds in areas that are associated with reward.  These are areas, particularly the striatum, that we see activated when someone is administered a drug or high-value food like sugar”, Dr. Adinoff states.  He continues to state that the research suggests that some people appear addicted to tanning, a finding bolstered by the fact that many long-term tanners have a difficult time stopping or even cutting back on their sessions under the tanning bed.

My thoughts:  self-tanning lotions are not addictive, are safe and look attractive, if tan is a look you’re going for.

At-Home Skin Devices

August 19, 2011

Savvy consumers are increasingly using at-home skin care devices for conditions ranging from acne to anti-aging, according to market research firm Kline & Company.    They estimate that these devices will account for nearly $1 billion (U.S.) in 2011 and will grow in 2012.  “Consumers are looking to save time and money by avoiding regular trips to the doctor for those in-office procedures that were once commonplace in a more robust economy.”

Anti-aging devices are expected to grow 50% this year.  According to Kline, anti-aging is the number one skin care concern for consumers, with topical product sales in this category comprising more than 40% of the market.

I have advocated for a microcurrent hand-held device called NuFace and recommend it for clients who have the time and dedication to do their own treatments on a daily basis.  The results have been very satisfactory, particularly if high-quality skin care is used in conjunction with the device.

Use It Up

August 15, 2011

I am often asked about the shelf-life of skin care products.  There are two answers to this question.  In the case of products with “reactive” ingredients such as retinols, ascorbic acid, alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy acids, product is old if it has been manufactured more than 8 to 12 months before being used by the client.  This problem occurs because active ingredients undergo auto0oxidation to varying degrees in any formulation.  Stability is defined as maintaining 50% of biologic activity.

The second case involves products with non-reactive ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, minerals and many essential oils.  The general rule of thumb is that unopened containers have a shelf-life of two years while opened product should be discarded after two years.  If in doubt, toss.